Woodgreen Advocacy: Closing the Experience Gap Between Parents and Schools

Welcome to Woodgreen Advocacy

  • I will review all of the relevant documentation from the last 3-5 years. As a trained attorney, I am uniquely qualified to read complicated reports and interpret results. I will help you decode test results and explain the implications of those results.

    I will advise you on what evaluations you should request, both from the school district or privately. We will discuss what what progress monitoring tools you may want to request, so that you can keep an eye on the effectiveness of interventions.

    I will help you prepare for your child’s team meeting. As a parent, I know how intimidating it can be to sit in a meeting with a roomful of strangers to discuss your child. I will help you craft your own goals for the meeting, and strategize with you on how to meet those goals.

    At the meeting, I will zealously advocate for what your child needs. I understand that meetings are a collaboration between all members of the team, but as the parent, you are the expert on your child.

  • For children with complex medical profiles, the health plan can be as important or more important than the IEP. I have years of experience bridging the gap between medical providers and schools. I will help your child feel safe and supported at school, while trying my hardest to ease your worry as a parent.

  • I have experience evaluating whether a program is appropriate for a student, and what strategies can be implemented to improve and individualize a student’s classroom experience.

  • I will help you determine what an appropriate placement for your child is. This can range from full inclusion to an out of district placement. I will then help you navigate the steps to secure that placement.

  • When parents and districts are unable to agree, both sides may agree to attend a mediation. This can be a powerful, quick, and cost-effective way to reach an agreement. I can help prepare you for mediation and attend the formal mediation as your educational advocate.

  • Unfortunately, sometimes mediation is not successful. You may be faced with requiring the services of an attorney. I will find you an attorney who best meets your family’s needs and will help accelerate the process by communicating the most relevant aspects of your child’s case to your attorney.

Woodgreen Advocacy - Experts in Special Education Needs

Woodgreen Advocacy specializes in providing comprehensive support for children with special education needs and the families who love them. I am dedicated to ensuring that every child receives the individualized care and education they deserve. Through a personalized approach, I tailor my services to meet the unique requirements of each child, working closely with families, school systems, and when needed health care professionals to create educational plans that help children flourish.


Feel free to reach out to if you have any questions or concerns regarding the special education needs of your child. I look forward to partnering with you.